I fully believed in mermaids, some years ago the discovery channel showed some footage of a real mermaid in the depths. I couldn’t believe it and I told everyone I knew about it. 1st April then arrived and they announced it as a prank.

I wanted to depict an eerie scene of a mermaid in the depths.

I took the dream sequence from The Lighthouse, where a mermaid is swimming towards the camera, or the dreamer.

As a teenager I hated dancing and I was very self conscious about my body. At the time my mum went to see a clairvoyant who told her she was a Ming Dynasty warrior in a previous life. She asked what I was and the clairvoyant said I was a dancer with beautiful costumes!

I thought “What a load of crap, I hate dancing, how could I have been a dancer?”

Fast forward to 21years old, I started going to bellydance classes with a friend and I enjoyed laughing at our movements. Our teacher gave us homework to watch famous dancers, I came across @rachelthebrice on YouTube, and the dancer from a previous life awakened within me. For the rest of my twenties I was Obsessed with bellydance. I learned to trust my body and developed more confidence within myself.

Although it has taken a back seat in my thirties so far, bellydance still has a special place in my heart.

This is the infamous scene when Senator Palpatine tells the tragedy of Darth Plageuis, enticing Anakin with the power of the dark side, to save his loved ones.

The senator and the Jedi are watching Squid Lake, I remember this scene most vividly. The atmosphere feels like a dream, a hypnotic illusion - the best environment for Darth Sidious to weave his magic.

Inspiration from Billie Eilish's show

Inspiration from Billie Eilish's show

Self Portrait


Digital Paintings 2023 -